Those 3 days missed of Bounty Missions

Mas_putoMas_puto Member Posts: 32
Considering that nothing has been brought up and 1 week has passed, I was still wondering if those that had missed 3 day of collecting Valor from bounty missions were going to see some type of compensate due to it. The 250k was a nice gesture but granting it all the players including those that got the advantage on us in the leader boards, still put us in the same spot. Let's not play the let's hope everybody forgets about this bug. Lol.


  • DarkestDestroyerDarkestDestroyer Member Posts: 2,888 ★★★★★
    They aren't playing that, you got 250k.

    Fair enough everyone got it. But you only would of missed out on about 30k Valor, so just take the 250k and be happy
  • GruftyGrufty Member Posts: 187
    I think it would be difficult to work out who was actually affected by the bug and who just had bad RNG.

    This is exactly why you shouldn't base an event on randomness and there should always be a set way to trigger the event.

    As DD said though, you only would have missed out on about 30-40K so unless you're going for the Thor reward and miss out by a small amount I would just ignore the issue and get on with the game.

    Unless you still have the bug and therefore you need to spam emails to support until they fix the issue.
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