help me with my 6* science rank up

Tlyer102062006Tlyer102062006 Member Posts: 172
edited June 2023 in General Discussion
I haven’t started act 7 yet, but i’m currently thronebreaker. I also recently got a 6* Science AG, but here’s some pics of the roster if they help in any way.

help me with my 6* science rank up 16 votes

Hulk- give AG
Spity68LBN1 2 votes
Hulk unawakened
RaganatorCtfz35TheExit27Ben_15455Lpoo[Deleted User]ThePredator1001Ultragamerwillrun4adonutMarvelfan30spider_man_guy_123 11 votes
other- please specify in the comments❤️
BluestoneDart1981ChiefMufasa 3 votes


  • TheExit27TheExit27 Member Posts: 716 ★★★
    Hulk unawakened
    Save that AG for someone more in need of it in the future. Hulk can definitely get ranked up though. Have fun with him.
  • Mknight123Mknight123 Member Posts: 278 ★★★
    Id say save the gem for someone dependent on it like spot, rank up spider ham, he's an absolute beast and got some degen immunity, overall spider ham is completely and utterly under-rated.
  • TitoBandito187TitoBandito187 Member Posts: 2,072 ★★★★
    Hulk or torch. Torch gets so much done id rank him up first, even though you have the 5*, double torch is double the fun (2 prefights) and you'll eventually appreciate the increased health pool of the 6*.

    But, If you want a different option now, Hulk smash. Spider ham is a sleeper too. Probably wouldn't use a gem on any of them since it's icing on the cake. Your best use of the AG is probably 2099, but he needs lots of sigs to do what he does best so consider if you want to make that commitment now, or not. You already have Antivenom to pair with him...
  • Dart1981Dart1981 Member Posts: 237 ★★★
    other- please specify in the comments❤️
    Torch is going to be most beneficial to a growing account like yours. Pump him up and start wrecking those pesky mystics!!!
  • Barrier ReefBarrier Reef Member Posts: 779 ★★★
  • UltragamerUltragamer Member Posts: 612 ★★★
    Hulk unawakened
    Hulk is a very useful champ better for questing than torch tbh since he’s tanky got damage and poison immune id rank him
  • JChanceH9JChanceH9 Member Posts: 852 ★★★
    I’d rank up Torch.
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