Black Panther Upgrade Option (Civil War)

This character is a very nice animation character, but absolutely unplayable in attack. He has some pretty interesting mechanics with armor ups, but they only work defensively.

Since the character has absolutely no attacking mechanics, I would like to offer my opinion on improving his current mechanics with armor ups for attacking.

Passive Ability: Each Black Panther Critical Hit has a 100% chance to activate Armor Ups. If the Opponent Nullifies Armor Up Buffs, they are converted into Armor Up Passives.

The black panther has 2 combat modes, which are related to the modifications in his costume: the first modification is "Wrath of the King of Wakanda"(attack mode), the second modification is "Justice of the King of Wakanda"(protective mode).(Sorry for the absurd names, but I didn’t come up with anything better).

Black Panther automatically starts the fight with the second modification "Justice of the King of Wakanda", this ability is defensive.

Wrath of the Wakanda King Mode: When a Black Panther has 20 Armor Ups, the Panther can activate Wrath of the Wakanda King by using a Heavy Attack. All Armor Ups are converted to Fury Buffs, and in this mode, the Panther gains a bonus to Critical Strike Chance. Each hit tears through the opponent's flesh and allows them to activate Bleed Debuffs on them, if the opponent is Bleed Immune, the Panther will activate Armor Break on the opponent.In this mode, the black panther ignores the roots of the enemy.

Black Panther's Justice Mode: In this mode, the Panther gains Armor Ups for each damage taken from an enemy. Upon reaching 20 Armor Ups, Black Panther has a 100% chance to reflect Stun, and also resists critical hits. After reflecting the stun, all armor ups are lost. Due to suit upgrades, Black Panther resists Bleeding per stack of Armor Up.

Special attack 1: When activating the first Special Attack, Black Panther will activate a Physical Damage Debuff on the Opponent for 2 per hit of the first Special Attack.

In King of Wakanda's Justice mode, Black Panther gains a bonus to Block Break during a Special Attack.
In Wrath of the King of Wakanda, Black Panther activates Bleeds and increases the effectiveness of Physical Vulnerability Debuff.


SP2: when activating the second special attack, the black panther gains a 50% attack bonus.

When SP2 is activated during Wrath of the King of Wakanda, the black panther deals guaranteed critical hits and direct physical damage per stack of bleeding on the enemy.

In Justice of the King of Wakanda, Black Panther gains a bonus to Block Break during Special 2.
SP3: When activated with a Special 3 Attack, Black Panther gains an Accuracy Buff (Increased Critical Strike Chance by 30-50%) for 30 seconds and a Cruelty Buff (Increased Critical Damage by 50%).
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