Relic Binding Unbinding

DeanDoomDeanDoom Member Posts: 48
I am currently having issues binding and unbinding relics. I have a relic bound to my APOC and I can unbind it and then try to put it on Dani. But it doesn’t bind. I go back out and it’s still on APOC. None of the champs are tied up in a lions, quest or war or arena. Any advice?


  • ZeezoosZeezoos Member Posts: 211 ★★
    I had this exact same thing the other day. I force quit the game and reopened it and then it worked fine. Hope it is the same for you…
  • DeanDoomDeanDoom Member Posts: 48
    Thanks thanks for the feedback. I did try that. It didn’t work. Even uninstalled reinstalled the game. Still no success.
  • DeanDoomDeanDoom Member Posts: 48
    Even tried to bind to a different mutant champ. Still no luck. Can’t seem to unbind the relic.
  • DeanDoomDeanDoom Member Posts: 48
    edited June 2023

  • DeanDoomDeanDoom Member Posts: 48

  • DeanDoomDeanDoom Member Posts: 48

  • DeanDoomDeanDoom Member Posts: 48

  • spacejumper5193spacejumper5193 Member Posts: 153 ★★
    I am also unable to unbind the relic, I have a 6* relic I want to replace with a ranked up 5* relic, but cannot successfully unbind it
  • TyphoonTyphoon Member Posts: 1,797 ★★★★★
    Yep, my unbinds are not sticking.
  • DeanDoomDeanDoom Member Posts: 48
    Ok must be an issue in game right now then. Funny since they just released a couple items to purchase involving relics…
  • Casal_TCasal_T Member Posts: 63
    I cannot bind any relics. I've tried going to champ first to select relics and also tried relic first and select champ. They wont bind. I've hard closed and uninstalled/reinstalled and still no. So glad they put out a bundle to buy. SMH.
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