How many units should I hoard for 7.3 and 7.4 completion

IcepickisbackIcepickisback Member Posts: 33
This is a fairly new account. I have some heavy hitters but am missing a lot of key champs, especially for synergies.

I had to use about 40 revives to take down the 6.4 grandmaster. I used 30 on the first day then spent 3-4 days grinding units to slowly and painfully finish him off. 7.1 was completed without many revives. For 7.2.6 I entered i needed about 5 revives to finish the juiced path and another 4 or 5 to finish Gwen master.

All of this is to say I am a moderately skilled player who grinds his way to progress.

Knowing this, and looking at my roster how many units should I hoard up to compete 7.3 and 7.4?

How many units should I hoard for 7.3 and 7.4 completion 13 votes

EliOrSomethingSachhyam257X_E_Cutioner[Deleted User]Sceptilemaniac2WeaponXBrute_47Manbatngael2505 8 votes
Lun69 1 vote
JounaaPeeTheGodfather39Jaffa_Yogesh_123 4 votes


  • IcepickisbackIcepickisback Member Posts: 33

  • Sachhyam257Sachhyam257 Member Posts: 1,276 ★★★★
    Speaking from experience, you wouldn't need more than a 1000 for completion. Even a 1000 is excessive imo. I only needed revives for the 2 kang fights, even then I didn't need to dip into my units for revives, cuz I had 5-10 of them in my inventory from the apothecary/solo event milestones/free crystals.

    Obviously our rosters differ, so I can't really say for sure, but 1000 should be enough.
  • EliOrSomethingEliOrSomething Member Posts: 115 ★★
    plan out your paths and check out all of mcocNOOBs completion guide and i don’t see why you couldnt get completion done w/ around 500 units in my opinion
  • X_E_CutionerX_E_Cutioner Member Posts: 155
    Just pop up boosts and watch a few videos and you'll be fine ... As someone said above ... You won't really need any revives except for Kangs
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