Alliance Quest Standings Suggestion

I'm fairly sure alot of alliances have this same issue, but I am also sure there will be some who use this loophole and will post negatively to this suggestion. It's so frustrating when you are one of the first to join and among the most active in alliance quests, but end up with 20+ kills and ranked 4th in your group behind 3 people who each have 1 kill. Why not add a column tracking kills and rank based on that column? The issue has gotten worse in our alliance since the preview option was added as now the sandbaggers can see which group has a lane already cleared that they can manipulate with minimal participation.


  • LordSmasherLordSmasher Member Posts: 1,617 ★★★★★
    Seems more like a Your Alliance problem and not a Game problem.
    Any player who pays attention in the alliance knows who's doing the killing anyhow.
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