Brand New BG focussed alliance
I'm creating a brand new BG focused alliance! I'm getting frustrated with being recruited to groups that post they have minimums and 2/3rds of the alliance don't hit minimums.
Here's what I have in mind at least for s9. Weekly bg min 100k pts with a goal of 400k for the season. Will ask that people plan to hit 100k weekly, but if you grind ahead or message that you will be doing harder grinding in a later week to hit the 400k that will work. After S9 will see what majority or groups wants in terms of minimums, but I would plan on bgs being main focus for the alliance long term.
Will run map 5 aq (unless at least 10 people want to play a higher or lower map) goal for aq will be clear the map for some consistent glory rewards.
When AW returns I will plan on placing fully diverse defence with strongest defenders available (since they will no longer be locked out of other content this shouldn't be a problem) attack would then be focused on boss rush up the middle, no stress over deaths, just try to get bosses down for the 20k pts per bg, low stress wars get points where we could and whatever rewards come with that would be bonus.
If interested reach out in game or on Line
ign Paigr
Line ID paigr4203
Here's what I have in mind at least for s9. Weekly bg min 100k pts with a goal of 400k for the season. Will ask that people plan to hit 100k weekly, but if you grind ahead or message that you will be doing harder grinding in a later week to hit the 400k that will work. After S9 will see what majority or groups wants in terms of minimums, but I would plan on bgs being main focus for the alliance long term.
Will run map 5 aq (unless at least 10 people want to play a higher or lower map) goal for aq will be clear the map for some consistent glory rewards.
When AW returns I will plan on placing fully diverse defence with strongest defenders available (since they will no longer be locked out of other content this shouldn't be a problem) attack would then be focused on boss rush up the middle, no stress over deaths, just try to get bosses down for the 20k pts per bg, low stress wars get points where we could and whatever rewards come with that would be bonus.
If interested reach out in game or on Line
ign Paigr
Line ID paigr4203
I know some only bg playing ally who always hit 12M+, some hit 18M+. They generally ask for 400K-600K pts as min requirement