Looking for a new alliance

Looking for a new alliance for map 5 or 6. Will participate in aw. I have not done bg but not at a high level. Please message me in line at NoGodTierLuck. Thank you


  • BoonecooneyBoonecooney Member Posts: 81
    Couldn't find you on line app. Can you post your in-game profile?
  • KeltanKeltan Member Posts: 511 ★★
    Hey mate .. we are laid-back G2 ally does AQ map 5, BG 100k min per season and 3 BGs war.. if you keen to explore msg me on Line keltan79
  • eggesteggest Member Posts: 160
    Hey we have map5x5 AQ with epic mods and optional 1bg War. No other requirements.
    Part of the Avengers Resistance family, lots of friendly groups and other alliance opportunities if you fancy some change after a while.

    If this interests you, add me on Line: eggest1
  • TapTouTTapTouT Member Posts: 19
    Couldn’t find you in the line app. But I think we would be a good fit for you. Find me on line
  • NoGodTierLuckNoGodTierLuck Member Posts: 4
    My in game name is DS20082012
  • NoGodTierLuckNoGodTierLuck Member Posts: 4
    I’ve found a new alliance, thank you for your help.
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