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To sig or not to sig - Wolverine & Weapon X

OakenshieldOakenshield Posts: 1,842 ★★★★
I happily opened and duped a 6* Wolverine a few weeks back, and have been gradually sigging him up with the intention of getting to 200. Then, I unexpectedly see that you can get a Weapon X if you buy enough unit deals - which I probably am going to do. Have an AG I can use on him as well.

The question is - should I bother with Wolverine sigs or should I flip over to Weapon X now? Seems like Weapon X

To sig or not to sig - Wolverine & Weapon X 36 votes

Keep investing in Wolverine instead of Weapon X
BigPoppaCBONEbuffajrFrankWhiteBulmktPikoluMCOCHazzaPSAARonSwansontufo24LBN1willrun4adonutRugbyman371ISO17Cwrobinson31coolspiderman17_ 15 votes
Invest in Weapon X instead of Wolvering
dzikidzikTimmy2xsLuke9523Ayden_noah1JounaaPeeSkyLord7000ThePredator1001LickySuhshehshsDanRoseKnightOfTheRealmSilentArisPhilthiesKittypoolTonks00 15 votes
Both (please explain)
HungaryHippoPowerofpain1001AshacekarHydrothcAxewWeaponX4X 6 votes


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    BulmktBulmkt Posts: 1,596 ★★★★
    Keep investing in Wolverine instead of Weapon X
    6* Horseman Wolverine is a blast

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    BeastDadBeastDad Posts: 1,577 ★★★★★
    Are you going to run apoc?
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    OakenshieldOakenshield Posts: 1,842 ★★★★
    BeastDad said:

    Are you going to run apoc?

    Yes - I run him frequently.
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    WeaponX4XWeaponX4X Posts: 55
    Both (please explain)
    Lucky you… almost 80 featured crystals and still no 6* Wolverine. Thx kabam
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    PSAAPSAA Posts: 40
    Keep investing in Wolverine instead of Weapon X
    I think I'll save my 6 star shards and once i reach 300k go for the skill/mutant crystal instead for better chance to get Wolvie
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    BigPoppaCBONEBigPoppaCBONE Posts: 2,351 ★★★★★
    Keep investing in Wolverine instead of Weapon X
    Weapon X's sig isn't strong enough to invest in. Fill Wolverine first.
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    RonSwansonRonSwanson Posts: 1,171 ★★★★
    Keep investing in Wolverine instead of Weapon X
    Apoc and Wolvie with horseman and watch them melt
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