4th of July and how whales are the dominant species in the battlerealm

Kabam??? What are you thinking??
I know these offers give you revenue and help sustain the game, but now whales and spenders are roaming BGs and just bullying every FTP trying to get decent placement in GC leaderboards, just watch KT1 streams, half of the time people just quit at the start when they see he's got 15 R5s and 3 R2s ?? Now me, one of these FTP players can't even touch these kids anymore because of you
I know these offers give you revenue and help sustain the game, but now whales and spenders are roaming BGs and just bullying every FTP trying to get decent placement in GC leaderboards, just watch KT1 streams, half of the time people just quit at the start when they see he's got 15 R5s and 3 R2s ?? Now me, one of these FTP players can't even touch these kids anymore because of you
As soon as I saw the deals, it was clear that the meta had shifted. Top players are sitting at over 10 7* with some duped.
Kabam either had to sell loads of 7* shards or give up 6r5s. None of the spenders would have bought anything if 6r4s was the offer. I’m not even a top player and have 15 6r4.
This was the minimum Kabam could have offered. I think they went too far with 5 limit though.
The game doesn’t even offer enough resources to r5 5 6* champs let alone in 10mins.
You only need to spend 100$ to surprass any F2P player that has done everything
I know this doesn’t make you feel better and is not my intention. It is merely reality, with which we must deal or remain salty and aggrieved.
Soon enough high tier AW might also get affected as F2Ps will perhaps not be able to find a spot with their defense rosters
And AQs at the top have always been about spending
BGs is just the mode where this is most noticeable to everyone but it affects F2Ps in all competitive game modes
At least in AW F2P can still sustain themselves on the basis of their skill & commitment if the alliance allows them a place even with slightly weaker roster
But in BG it's almost impossible to compete when the roster difference is too wide
U might be able to win against a few of these accounts with better drafts or just due to bugs, but realistically F2Ps will just get thrashed in most matches, specially considering that there are no uniform matchmaking criterias in BGs
One weekend had undone years of work for ftp players as they simply can't compete now they'll have 25% of the roster a whale has.
Whales should absolutely be able to dominate us that don’t spend. It isn’t like everyone is a whale, they are a small percentage. By spending that much, they should be the ones getting the better rewards.
All of us dolphins, minnows, and plankton can fight for the lower rewards.
The good news is they don't have to. The game is playable without spending.