First r5

DonaQxota1DonaQxota1 Member Posts: 122
Hello all,
I Need advise.
I was certain that I will r5 Hercules, because I love him. But someone from my alliance says that galan would be better because there is not much differences between r4 and r5 for Hercules.
What do you think ?


  • PolygonPolygon Member Posts: 4,368 ★★★★★
    Hulkling for BGs
  • Sceptilemaniac2Sceptilemaniac2 Member Posts: 368 ★★★
    Galan does receive a bigger boost by R5 than Hercules.
    Anything you can do with a R5 herc, you can probably do with a R4 herc.
    Galan, however benefits hugely from the increased base attack.
    I'd personally go for galan over herc
  • BulmktBulmkt Member Posts: 1,614 ★★★★
    Mate R5 your Herc

    Every other cosmic is a distant second…
  • DonaQxota1DonaQxota1 Member Posts: 122
    I think i’ll go for hercules… Thank you all
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