Champion Wish List - Unavailable In Your Roaster

I know i ain't the only one who wish they have some certain champion at 5* or 6* or wish the ones they like and have are at 5* or 6*.
I have a few roaster for 5*, and i'm just starting to acquire my 6* (currently have 4 - OG Magneto, Anti Venom, Ultron & Squirre Girl) however for my 4*, i think i've got them all (duped and unduped) but we all know 4* aint no big deal no more at this level of the game.
My most wished champ at 5* or 6* most preferably are Kingpin, Nick Fury Doom, Hyperion, BWCV, Human Torch, Peni Parker-Hulkling-Apocalypse (always hated playing them anywhere) to name a few.
Anyone else has has a champ wishlist they are still anticipating in their
roaster like me
I have a few roaster for 5*, and i'm just starting to acquire my 6* (currently have 4 - OG Magneto, Anti Venom, Ultron & Squirre Girl) however for my 4*, i think i've got them all (duped and unduped) but we all know 4* aint no big deal no more at this level of the game.
My most wished champ at 5* or 6* most preferably are Kingpin, Nick Fury Doom, Hyperion, BWCV, Human Torch, Peni Parker-Hulkling-Apocalypse (always hated playing them anywhere) to name a few.
Anyone else has has a champ wishlist they are still anticipating in their

Magneto (Red)
I have all of them at 5R5, except Quicksilver.
-Kitty Pryde
-Absorbing Man
-Spidey 2099
Some champs I never pulled back in the day:
-Ghost Dupe
#1 Most Wanted because of personal preference is Wiccan because he’s one of my favourite marvel characters plus he looks super fun to play.
i got wiccan (duped) at 4* and youre right, his SP2 does serious damage (except to shock immune champs), he's not just so great defensively but offensively, he's crazyyyyyy
my scorpion, quicksilver, kingpin, hulkling are all 4* star duped... i only got mags at 6* and he is pulling strong for me currently........
only 2 on my wish list… excuse me while I go plop down in the corner of my bed while I cry like a little school girl in fetal position. 😭
-Red Goblin
-Mr. Negative
-Omega Sentinel
Pretty much just a few underrated BGs champs and a few champs that carry their class too much to pass up
Omega Sentinel
Absorbing man
You need him or just want him in your roaster collection….. cos presently I’m gunning for Thor crazy ass Utilities Champs
His 4* helped me a lot at act 4 and some few of 5 too…..
Claire is most wanted for me too
Abs Man (Max Ranked)/Odin/Omega at R-2 are at 5* for me
Do you Think Omega/Odin are real deal and I should take them all the way up
RNG hates me, because I've only got 3 6* on my FTP Alt account and of course Galan is one of them. BWCV is one of the others.
I’ve just got 4 only
BG is actually the real deal and you surely need the big guns to excel beautifully… wish you luck on your search mate
Omega Sentinel (she emits bossy mommy energy I can't help it...)
And Adam when he comes out...
Good luck in building out your roster.