AQ rewards

How long do you have to be in an alliance to receive rewards for AQ? I joined my new alliance last Thursday and "wasn't in long enough to receive rewards," for this week. I played every round didn't miss one but that's not long enough?
Summoner Advancement goes from Thursday - Thursday. I guess it's possible for AQ to be connected with that, but I've never had new members in my alliance say anything about not receiving AQ rewards. You sure you're not getting confused with SA? No one has gotten SA rewards yet because it's only Wed. If you joined your alliance last Thursday before the new SA period started, then you will qualify for rewards at the end of this event. If you didn't join the alliance until after the current SA started, then you'll have to wait until next week.
Got crystals after each round didn't receive the rank rewards. Which is a lot more then a couple crystals.
9 days wow. That's a stupid long time to wait for rewards when you play through a whole round