Masteries For New Alliance War Persistent Placement

Smeagz23Smeagz23 Member Posts: 123 ★★
I was so exited for this new alliance war persistent placement phase until you guys said how the masteries would work. Everyone I talked to hoped and assumed that it would be you only have to change your masteries once and those masteries would continue until you wanted to change them like battle grounds or at least until you had to change your defense. Having to change your masteries during a certain time period sounds so bad. That’s literally worse than it is now. I joined an alliance thinking the new alliance war changes would make it easier for me to do alliance war but now it literally sounds like more of a hassle. So disappointed hearing that in the live stream..


  • Darkness275Darkness275 Member Posts: 888 ★★★★
    I'm honestly hoping that I don't understand the system and my assumption is wrong, because I'm not excited. It might be a small improvement from what it is now - which is having to swap them constantly every match. But, from my understanding, it's not a real "set and forget" QoL improvement. It's barely a half-measure...

    Why not just go all the way and allow us to save War defense/attack specific masteries like we can for our BG deck(s)?
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