From your experience, who is the best champ Give him 200 sig ? I am suck with ghost 🫣

Samy_07Samy_07 Posts: 26
edited July 2023 in General Discussion


  • WinterFieldsWinterFields Posts: 769 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…
    Nimrod, Spot, Guardian, Korg, and Thing are all valid options, depending on your focus
  • coolspiderman17_coolspiderman17_ Posts: 322 β˜…β˜…β˜…
    Tigra if you’re good with her. She can do pretty much everything in this game very quickly.
    Knull, spot, ghost, domino, thing, korg, terrax, aegon, nimrod, guardian, toad, Zemo, iceman, and spidey 2099 are all good options too. Just depends on who you like and what you need.
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