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Who should my first rank 4 should be and why?

Mario64Mario64 Posts: 8
edited July 2023 in General Discussion
I have many options including
Herc, Idoom, Kitty, Rintrah, Spot, Valk, Doom, Longshot, Stealthy, Warlock, Starky, Hulk


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    Herc! Because he is Herc!
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    SandeepSSandeepS Posts: 1,221 ★★★★
    Whoever you enjoy cos you'll be the one playing with them. If they were my choices I'd go herc cos he works for everything.
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    Hickdog27Hickdog27 Posts: 137 ★★
    So much depends on what content you're trying to tackle. If BG's, I'd probably go Rintrah. If it's questing/EOP/gauntlet stuff- go Herc.
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