Is the winner of Battleground Brawl seriously getting a 7 star rank 2-3 gem or is this a mistake ??
Only 6 months after the release of 7 star are we really going to see the 1st rank 3 by the end of October with the winner of Battlegrounds Brawl receiving a rank 2-3 7 star gem or this a mistake because imo we shouldnt even be able to have a r2 by that time yet we could get that as soon as 7star dropped & to now have a r3 by October seems way to fast compared to 6 & 5 star ranks , do u agree with this decision or is this a sign of MCOC on its way out cause many of my alliance will quit at this point & I may have to think about that myself if it happens , I’m interested to no what the MCOC community thinks
What difference does it make if one player has a 7sr3? The person who is good enough to win this tournament can prolly clear all content with far lesser champs. It's a great reward and I hope Fintech wins.
But the best player in the world getting a 2-3 gem before anyone else? That's fine in my book. Since you not only have to actually win the contest but also travel (possibly) across the world to do so, Kabam can't just reward them with a diploma and a pat on the back when they win. It has to be something worthwhile.
In English: kilometer.
saying that you will quit the game cause fo game progression, probably means you shouldn’t be playing the game. Whats the point of the game if not to have a new level to achieve. Without a new progression level or goal the game loses challenges
so bringing 7r3 makes it for a “near” goal to challenge yourself to achieve.
While of the bonkers level of skill YouTubers, I much prefer swedeah, msd, Mike and kt1; there's little point denying that is he were allowed to take part, beroman has, probably, the best chance to win it.
Typically, any new introductions first come through spending, or spending Events like Banquet.
Then they are later released in the game.