Finally giving Battlegrounds a try
Just realized that not all champs in the game are usable in Battlegrounds. A few to come into mind are champs like Groot, OG Cap, Vision, Cyclops and many others. They just don't hit hard enough to take out any champ in the time limit. Not too mention everyone uses the exact same defenders and attackers. I'm guilty of this too. I was never interested in Battlegrounds until my ally kinda pushed it on us. It's ok. Not the worst content. Solo rewards could be much better. Game is designed that everyone can make it to the Galdiator's circuit. Don't really have to try that hard to progress. Haven't made it there yet, but with enough time and patience anyone can make it. Kabam should randomly ban half a dozen champs a day or week to keep people on their toes lol. But completely at random. Content could be a lot more fun. Plus I'm tired of my Pig getting banned every single game. And I always ban Hulkling and Knull. Hate those guys. But if you're always banning the same champs, is it really showing off skill? I guarantee there are at least 20 champs in everyone's deck that are always present. I always see the same decks. Kinda one sided. There are 250 champs or so in the game and the percentage used are low. Just my thoughts.
P.s. I hate that damn Buff Toggle Unstoppable! 😠😠
P.s. I hate that damn Buff Toggle Unstoppable! 😠😠