Is kabam dropping buff program?

I don't see any new character buffs on horizon. I think this program is integral to game balancing and renewing interest in characters, making them fun to play again or try for the first time.
There are plenty of characters in need of it. Please continue this program. It greatly enhances my gaming experience
There are plenty of characters in need of it. Please continue this program. It greatly enhances my gaming experience
People are going to grind and spend money for and oftentimes, those changes are just number bumps and tune-ups, which are a lot easier to do then full reworks of older champions. Especially if we're talking new animations on top of new kits.
Tldr: every new Champion since November has something wrong with them so they get first dibs then the classics get reworked.
It's literally the reason given by Kabam: if new champions need to be rebalanced, then no time/resources are left to give over to redesigning (buffing) older champions.
Interestingly, I'm starting to wonder if 7* champions might be a potential driver to restart the buff program.
People want to get new champions and grow their roster: The problem with buffing these old, relatively useless champions, is that everyone already has them; so Kabam can't see any obvious return on their effort. No-one is going to shell out units for a champion crystal giving you a chance to win a 6* Iron Man (Classic), because they've almost certainly already got him.
But no-one has a 7* Iron Man. So if he got a decent buff and became useable, then that could legitimately become a crystal people might be interested in purchasing...🤔