Spidey 2099 relic bug

HulkbusterN1HulkbusterN1 Member Posts: 274 ★★★
Recently, I got 4* version of this relic, bind it to my 6* version of spider-Gwen. Of course I selected immunity to precision buff from dex.

Decided to test this one in SQ. The boss was dormammu and I thought that would be great fight to test, because without dex SG has no own buffs, so degen can’t be inflicted. However, whenever I dexed, there was “immune” and I got degen. I decided to re-do this fight in practice without synergies and other factors which could be the case, and got same result - degen on me

I test her against mojo and there was no degen, don’t really know why this happens against dormammu. Please, take a look at this bug.


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