Buying All the Double Track Boosts

If you buy all the Double Track Event Boosts, you're getting +33 days of rewards immediately. However, the current calendar only shows 15 extra days of the 150 7* shard rewards.
What happens after "Day 42" on the calendar, which will occur in about a week from now for those that bought all the boosts? Will further days be added until the next Platinum Track starts, or will there be no more claimable Platinum Track rewards after "Day 42"?
What happens after "Day 42" on the calendar, which will occur in about a week from now for those that bought all the boosts? Will further days be added until the next Platinum Track starts, or will there be no more claimable Platinum Track rewards after "Day 42"?
Was this disclosed in the original post detailing how the Double Track works? Will extra days be added to the following month if the purchaser isn’t provided with the full complement of extra days? Since the 7-Day Booster doesn’t get you any of the gold track objectives, how is it fair to sell Boosters that don’t add a full 7 days to the Platinum objectives?
Dr. Zola
I should clarify. It doesn't make monetary sense. It does make logical sense though lol
But…it also doesn’t make sense for boosters to be purchasable for boost days beyond whatever limit the team determines is appropriate for each month—at least not for the same price as a full 7-day boost.
Dr. Zola
There’s a purchase limit on both types of boosters- 4 of 7 day and 5 of 1 day. So the maximum you can get ahead is 33 days and there’s 42 days.
OP’s query was what happens once he, or anyone else, gets to day 43. The answer to this is nothing. Unless kabam changes things nothing additional gets added past the number of days advertised.
Kabam needs to clarify if those who purchased all the boosts and will complete the platinum track by next week will continue to receive the daily 150 7* shards or will no longer have any daily platinum track objectives.
Hopefully this post prevents other summoners from making the same mistake I did and buying all the booster packs thinking each extra day equals another set of rewards.
Really wish Kabam would’ve explained this ahead of time.
1. Each "month" in event is actually only 27 days long 7/21 - 8/17 for example
2. Each "month" has 42 days worth of rewards in platinum track requiring 15 additional days to claim them all
3. The mini boosters solo objective appears to be weekly so you can earn 4x +1 day boosters
4. So does that leave 11 additional days which must be purchased in the unit store?