Have you started to play the game differently? (revive related)

GiuliameijGiuliameij Member Posts: 1,849 ★★★★
I was wondering. Since the revive farming changes have been live for some time now. How many players have started playing the game differently?

For me, I do far less content. I do some monthly quest and have done act 8 but have not touched any carina's challenge, last 2 abyss paths etc. anymore since the change. Using units for revives just feels bad.
If a new abyss type content came out now I would not do it. I would skip it and use my units for the same rewards without any effort during the offers or 'gifting'.

Curious to see what others think

Have you started to play the game differently? (revive related) 73 votes

Nothing changed, I`m so skilled that I don`t need revives
CupidOGAvengerRonSwansonAshacekarLickyIndolocarbazolehi_im_sirMarvelNoob 8 votes
Nothing changed, I get enough revives via the new way
danielmathccrider474GmonkeyAckbar67MoosetiptronicJustcause102Ironman3000ReignkingTWGiantwalrus56Yodabolt21CyrillFromTulaMrSakuragiNight_RiderA_FungiKLZWong_99FantomaxopLegotb27 18 votes
Nothing changed, I use units to buy revives
WardenclockTheGodfather39Hoitado13579rebel_Marvelfan30SunxhaloJohny_Joestar 7 votes
I started doing less content, or skip specific content
SnizzbarGrandOldKaiLittle_Crocodili29t123459AR48gordopechochoSpagNidusRenaxqqSkyLord7000ChobblyWeenerMackeyThePredator1001RuwqiersaUltragamerJeancrbWozzle007Drago_von_DragoWonderWanderTheRogues 21 votes
Nothing changed, I never farmed revives before
MagicBentonCassyHungaryHippoBawa69JessieSAdokDukenpukeninosExergisR4ndomAvengerPrismane1269KnightOfTheRealmUnOriginal 13 votes
winterthurIamnikeIvarTheBonelesswillrun4adonutHickdog27XFREEDOMX 6 votes


  • LewisTheLlamaLewisTheLlama Member Posts: 309 ★★★
    The only thing it’s affected for me is Carina’s challenges. I haven’t done a single one nor do I plan to because I would have to sit and grind arena for units and I simply don’t have the attention span. In terms of regular content though, for one thing there’s not enough of it to warrant a need for revive farming, at least on my account with my skill level. However in terms of existing content, I recently explored the whole of 8.1 and used 2 revives…

    So right now I am not furious about the revive nerf, but I do wish that revive farming still existed just for those people who cannot stomach arena (valid).
  • Ironman3000Ironman3000 Member Posts: 2,017 ★★★★★
    Nothing changed, I get enough revives via the new way
    I already did everything so it hasn't affected me yet.
  • TyEdgeTyEdge Member Posts: 3,169 ★★★★★
    I have 450 paragon crystals and counting. I’ve done EoP/Carina, act 7, 8.1 and 8.2. The revive I get every day from the 22-hour event expires, and then I do it again tomorrow.

    Shooting stars was VERY rewarding content but it wasn’t designed to be difficult or challenging. Life doesn’t setup well for me to do Abyss style content.

    I don’t understand why they haven’t reached in the wayback machine and built something simple using previous fights. You’ve got the 9 SOP fights and the finale that could return similar to the Gauntlet.

    In the past, we’ve had a boss rush that was all the EQ new champion bosses from however many months on one path.

    Slap a t6b and t3a, 1000 7-star shards and 25 6-star sig stones on there and let us have some fun. Put some objectives on there to use/not use a given class of champs if you wanna spice it up or encourage multiple runs.
  • KnightOfTheRealmKnightOfTheRealm Member Posts: 956 ★★★
    Nothing changed, I never farmed revives before
    TyEdge said:

    I have 450 paragon crystals and counting. I’ve done EoP/Carina, act 7, 8.1 and 8.2. The revive I get every day from the 22-hour event expires, and then I do it again tomorrow.

    Shooting stars was VERY rewarding content but it wasn’t designed to be difficult or challenging. Life doesn’t setup well for me to do Abyss style content.

    I don’t understand why they haven’t reached in the wayback machine and built something simple using previous fights. You’ve got the 9 SOP fights and the finale that could return similar to the Gauntlet.

    In the past, we’ve had a boss rush that was all the EQ new champion bosses from however many months on one path.

    Slap a t6b and t3a, 1000 7-star shards and 25 6-star sig stones on there and let us have some fun. Put some objectives on there to use/not use a given class of champs if you wanna spice it up or encourage multiple runs.

    Paragon crystals or paragon daily crystals???
  • willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Member Posts: 5,804 ★★★★★
    I finished my last path of Abyss two weeks before revives farming ended so there's nothing left
  • Marvelfan30Marvelfan30 Member Posts: 1,175 ★★★★
    Nothing changed, I use units to buy revives
    This and I figured out a way to be good at game .... I will never tell my secrets....
  • XFREEDOMXXFREEDOMX Member Posts: 525 ★★★
    I dont have any content left to do that require revives (not that im super skillful). Plus 22 hrs event revivers are in the overflow and expiring..
  • AshacekarAshacekar Member Posts: 2,354 ★★★★★
    Nothing changed, I`m so skilled that I don`t need revives
    I just play SQ and Monthly, don't need revives. *T&C apply
  • IamnikeIamnike Member Posts: 277 ★★
    Ive done everything don't need them.
  • Ackbar67Ackbar67 Member Posts: 467 ★★★★
    Nothing changed, I get enough revives via the new way
    I just did an abyss path a couple days ago, I farmed about 80 revives beforehand, and I had a stash of 500 free crystals, though I didn't end up needing them
  • ThePredator1001ThePredator1001 Member Posts: 1,048 ★★★★
    I started doing less content, or skip specific content
    I gave up on completing the EOP Carinas Challenges. I’m not good enough to do it in only a few revives and I don’t want to waste all my revives on it
  • ChobblyChobbly Member Posts: 1,015 ★★★★
    I started doing less content, or skip specific content

    I gave up on completing the EOP Carinas Challenges. I’m not good enough to do it in only a few revives and I don’t want to waste all my revives on it

    I'm in the same boat. I'm taking into account the revive situation and how long they will take to build up again/replace. I'm being much more selective about the content I attempt now.
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