Officers need a way to remove members' defenders from the AW map

DukenpukeDukenpuke Member Posts: 658 ★★★
The persistent placement phase is a good start (ignoring the mastery loadouts). However, officers really need a way to remove defenders from the map.

For example, we recently set up AW placements and had members place a few weeks when the feature was first released, so everyone's defenders are on the map. However, we've made some BG assignment changes and want to start preparing for off-season wars, but the maps are already full of defenders. We've pinged everyone and asked them to remove their defenders, but with it being off-season and summer, some people are unavailable and aren't going to get around to it, and we're going to be stuck with defenders we don't want.

I understand the feature is new and the kinks are still being ironed out, but please consider implementing something to fix this before the war season starts up.


  • CorvosCorvos Member Posts: 117
    Completely agree and hope this is added .
  • zuffyzuffy Member Posts: 2,262 ★★★★★
    100% agree. We do 1bg war and I need the ability remove players that will not join.
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