Fun challenging solo content , what do you miss?

CrazyBunnyZoyCrazyBunnyZoy Member Posts: 34
It s been years since Aol release, which rewards are nowadays pretty outdated considering where the game is going.
Not to mention these 6x6 Boss rushes, EOP.
Looking at how 8.3 beta 3x3 paths it feels like that challenging solo content is starting to miss more and more.
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Fun challenging solo content , what do you miss? 93 votes

AOL, similiar content, it s been years
Raganatorblocks1RayhanIshaqueGarlopseudosaneRockyshockyGreekhitBen_15455Bright4973CrazyBunnyZoyLemon_Man44Darkraw346Shadow_Shooter 13 votes
EOP-like content , still challenging but doesn’t take days
World EaterEliOrSomethingzuffyManup456gohard123MoosetiptronicdzikidzikSCP1504_Sham_Hector_1475HungaryHippoCalwooddaddyAwesomewilMaxwell24FiiNCHxLunatiXxAmms90LpooahmynutsMasterzxPro 33 votes
6x6 boss rushes
TendersquadVegeta9001NescioMqc19AaYaNAvEnGeRs123Little_Crocodili29OurobørosUsagicassidyHavanaknightRebarkAnnihilator13_JCMSDfour24Giantwalrus56FerahgoSearmenisLord1Real_Madrid_76_213579rebel_JustAGuy 25 votes
Only story content , more often
Ffm1899RakeYoungLordSmasherBugmat78Nichj99WhoDaPooFit_Fun9329AzenstarWozzle007JCK555zernixHusalah2010KnightOfTheRealmTNK_131Newtrel 15 votes
Gauntlet-like content
CupidIvarTheBonelessAMS94ScrubhanSalve_maker05Refuse 6 votes
I don’t care for solo content
MasterA 1 vote


  • WoodyNailsomeWoodyNailsome Member Posts: 108
    I would say a new Back Issue
  • WhoDaPooWhoDaPoo Member Posts: 364 ★★★
    Only story content , more often
    At this point I miss a challenging story quest like 6.2
  • AMS94AMS94 Member Posts: 1,776 ★★★★★
    Gauntlet-like content
    Gauntlet was probably the best content released in recent time.....that & weekly EOP bosses

    I don't enjoy Abyss or Labyrinth style content bcoz it's more about unit dump & less about ur skills, unlike the Gauntlet & EOP which also require units but are more reliant on ur skills & knowledge about the game

    We already have never ending deals to dump units on
  • TyEdgeTyEdge Member Posts: 3,169 ★★★★★

    I would say a new Back Issue

    You’re getting hit with disagrees and it’s unfair. Variants 1-4 followed one reward structure. Variants 5-8 followed another, awarding more 6-star materials.

    There’s no reason variant 9 (and eventually 10-11-12) couldn’t exist and be targeted at a different part of the community than the others.

    Increase difficulty and build the reward structure around r4 mats. The goal of variants wasn’t to improve the top of your roster. It was to deepen your strong roster. 2-3 gems for chapter completion. 3-4 class gem plus a t6cc for chapter exploration. A generic 3-4 gem for full exploration with 3000-5000 7-star shards.
  • gohard123gohard123 Member Posts: 1,017 ★★★
    EOP-like content , still challenging but doesn’t take days
    EOP, Gauntlet, Maze, Boss rushes content are one of the better ones IMO. Personally, I will never do Abyss-like content ever again for the following reasons:
    - Huge time sink
    - When the content is released, it has to be tuned to higher level so that it remains relevant
    - By the time you reach that higher level, the rewards are bad in comparison to more recent content
    - The content usually requires specific champions for exploration (although targeted champion acquisition isnt as bad as before but I still do not have 6* Aegon)
    - Less about skill and more about revive counting
  • AMS94AMS94 Member Posts: 1,776 ★★★★★
    Gauntlet-like content
    TyEdge said:

    I would say a new Back Issue

    You’re getting hit with disagrees and it’s unfair. Variants 1-4 followed one reward structure. Variants 5-8 followed another, awarding more 6-star materials.

    There’s no reason variant 9 (and eventually 10-11-12) couldn’t exist and be targeted at a different part of the community than the others.

    Increase difficulty and build the reward structure around r4 mats. The goal of variants wasn’t to improve the top of your roster. It was to deepen your strong roster. 2-3 gems for chapter completion. 3-4 class gem plus a t6cc for chapter exploration. A generic 3-4 gem for full exploration with 3000-5000 7-star shards.
    Variants were probably cancelled bcoz it requires hard work
    I think it takes nearly as much effort in creating a Variant as a new story Act, & even the story Acts are getting too much for them at this points so can't expect them to be designing new Variants
  • Vegeta9001Vegeta9001 Member Posts: 1,711 ★★★★★
    6x6 boss rushes
    I love harder content that doesnt take an eternity. I'm a decently skilled player but God damn the 15-20 minute fights or the 20 fight quests just kill me because I ain't got the concentration for that. Give me rough, tough, 3-5 minute fights with 6-9 enemies per quest any day,double the difficulty half the time in my eyes.
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