Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Looking for plat ally & AQ map 6!


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    TriasEUTriasEU Posts: 110
    I add you ingame
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    Bo_QtraBo_Qtra Posts: 32
    Only plat ally
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    We will finish at as a plat ally
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    TriasEUTriasEU Posts: 110
    We will be going to plat for sure. @KINGBLACKSHEEP and I are just looking for our last recruits. We also have scored all milestones in BG last season and we do map 6 in AQ. We plan for 150 diversity and low deaths with an average prestige of 15750.
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    hi_im_sirhi_im_sir Posts: 271 ★★
    TriasEU said:

    We will be going to plat for sure. @KINGBLACKSHEEP and I are just looking for our last recruits. We also have scored all milestones in BG last season and we do map 6 in AQ. We plan for 150 diversity and low deaths with an average prestige of 15750.

    its a bit of a pain recruiting since ally rankings havent updated. last season my ally finished plat 4 but its showing gold 2 from the season before :/
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    I feel like that
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    FisefarFisefar Posts: 83
    Add me on line
    Line id: Fisefar
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