How many of yall would like a 2m+ HP Non-Noded ROL2 for testing purposes (poll)

Hello, essentially how many of yall would like the CCP testing grounds, in someway come to the playerbase?
Nowadays we cant even fully ramp champions in ROL. Let alone see big numbers anymore.
Nowadays we cant even fully ramp champions in ROL. Let alone see big numbers anymore.
How many of yall would like a 2m+ HP Non-Noded ROL2 for testing purposes (poll) 45 votes
1) it’s awesome to test BG and Longer healthpools, so it’s better for the players to be able to get a feel of their champs and have a dedicated place to test champs
2) it would give everyone a hands on idea of the content they’re watching, so it would make content better to watch too.
3) it allows us to move away from RoL as the measuring stick which is bad because of passive AI, and it’s not the best healthpool to test fights on anymore imo
Woah... wait a second... whats that over there?
No, it cant be.
The place where this idea should already be implemented in the game but for some reason, hasn't been touched since its introduction? I thought it had been long since forgotten but here it is ready to have something done with kabam.