Is Hela’s synergy right?

So this is just me forward thinking....but, imagine a 5* Dormammu or 5* Mephisto as AW boss, with this team and synergy....

Now, assuming you are at the boss, that means the other 4 members of the team are ko’d. I don’t know if the chance is +20% overall for each ko’d team member or +20% of the base 20% (so actually +4% overall for each ko’d team member). Either way, could make Dorm or Mephisto AW bosses OP.

Now, assuming you are at the boss, that means the other 4 members of the team are ko’d. I don’t know if the chance is +20% overall for each ko’d team member or +20% of the base 20% (so actually +4% overall for each ko’d team member). Either way, could make Dorm or Mephisto AW bosses OP.
Also it is a flat 20% for each member that is kod, so 4 members down is 100% chance
Too bad the change is always against the players.
When Carnage came out he was total **** but did they buff him? Noooo.
Ironically I got Carnage from crystals twice.
So now I have a duped piece off ****.
It's a unique synergy yes, but that means that it cannot stack if you use multiple versions of Hela.
If it affected specific champs, it would say so like you can see in the lower one. It says the effect for each champ.
This one works for all, seatin did a video on it and i'm pretty sure his HULK revived with 20% hp.