why is the good offer being held hostage by the bad one?

Kabam are you guys serious? why would you put the 1500 unit class catalyst offer behind a 900 unit pay wall? what are you thinking right now. is it too much to ask for each offer to be interdependently available? I DO NOT NEED t4bc, i need T4CC as do thousands of other players right now. also the people who need basics probably dont have the units to spare to just throw 900 out the window.
the people who need T4BC badly enough to spend 900 units on it would be better off ussing those units on mastery builds or energy refills. but in the end people will progress how they please and who am i to act like i know what they should do. the 900 credits offer isnt bad and neither is the class catalyst offer, but when you force people to buy the basics before letting them get to the class catalysts is just sadistic.
the people who need T4BC badly enough to spend 900 units on it would be better off ussing those units on mastery builds or energy refills. but in the end people will progress how they please and who am i to act like i know what they should do. the 900 credits offer isnt bad and neither is the class catalyst offer, but when you force people to buy the basics before letting them get to the class catalysts is just sadistic.
In the higher alliance like my own 14th in aw rating right now and almost always top 35 in aq. I know that we need the basics and 1 alphas more than t4cc. We get at least 2 t4cc between glory and aq rewards. Just fyi a lot of people need t4b and t1 alpha more than t4cc
Once you get to a certain level you'll find the people that need t4b bad enough to buy this offer for their 5* champs already have all the masteries unlocked and change them at will.
They also don't need the t4cc crystal as they have literally hundreds of unopened t4cc crystals from map 6
Can you do some sort of deal where I trade in unopened T4C for T4B and/or T1A???
FYI, opened 400k in battle chips for the 150 units needed to get this deal, and got nothing but gold. WOMP WOMP
To be in one category or the other for their bottleneck resource depending on what maps
They run in aq, (since alphas aren't available for those who run map 5s) two seperate offers would have made much more sense, I remember when I would have shelled out for a t4c eagerly, I have plenty of units in the stash And plenty of t4cs but this first offer doesn't help me either I need t1as and I'm not paying 900 units for one
That being said I STRONGLY disagree with the following notion
I wish it was more subjective for the sake of a simple discussion but you are just simply wrong here. Grinding arena milestones should yield anywhere from 500-1000 units per week. (Depending on if you grind all milestones for all arenas, and get a fair/average amount of units from arena crystals)
3 x t4bcc + 1 t1a = well over 3.3k glory.
You are going to tell me a mid tier player gets 3.3k glory a week?
Although would like to reinstate that I do share your frustration with the "tiered" system.
Both offers are well worth it, but like yourself, some would prefer to not buy the first tier offer and JUST the second, and that is not fair.
What I also dislike is that offers like this have entirely different components to them and not just a larger amount (unlike the 5* shard offer in increments in 1k, 3k, 6k or w.e.).
For example I am sure even if the offer incorporated maybe less t4bc for the first tier but like half a t4cc, it would make much more sense. Then the next tier you get more t4bc and full t4cc. Or just stop this tier system altogether.
i meant more that people in mid tier alliances are getting enough to buy at least one t4bc every week from glory depending on the maps you run. but on top of that you get alot of fragments from the quest crystals. also you can run the expert proving grounds. you can get the same amount of t4bc and t1ac with a little elbow grease without spending units. but you are right not in one week, more like 2-3 depending on your grind and level.
No where did @NEUROPLEXUS say anything about getting 3 t4b from glory weekly.
He simply said the exchange rate for the items in the glory store are a better deal than using units for this deal. And he's right.
And they make these deals in tiers because it forces you to spend more than you originally would have. I dislike it as well.
You are right he does not, however I pointed out that 900 units is a week worth of hitting arena milestones + BCs easily thus it is important to assess this offer as is it worth a week's worth of grinding arena milestones.
For someone who grinds arena, it is much easier to come up with 900 units (one week) for 3x t4bc + t1a versus getting from AQ and glory store (a middle scoring alliance in the middle category, advanced, considering a overall score of 8mill+ pts, is looking at about 1.25-1.5 t4bc per week.) Therefore it takes at least double the amount of time going the AQ+glory route.
So main points:
1. The offers are definately worth the value for mid tier players.
2. Given the above it is still unfair from the player's perspective to have the "tiered" system. Especially since the second offer contains a t4cc and the first one doesnt even offer partial t4cc (would be ideal to lower t4bc and add partial t4ccs at least). But kabam is good at being profitable I guess.
At the endgame stage, I’m back to where i was with a lack of t4b and t1a. That 900 units is actually not a bad deal. Ironically i piked up the first one and not the second one because i am maxed on 4 classes of t4c and even have 4 in the stash.
it sound like we mostly agree. i am an arena rat as well. but i think mid tier players dont generally have the roster that a higher tier player would. which mades it hard to come up with that many units in a week. i personally find myself having to choose between getting a basic 4* champ or getting all the 3* arena milestones.
but just for the record theres no bad blood here. we just trying to figure out whats best. im greatful for all the responses
Now that's out of the way, I'd like to express my opinion on how Kabam makes and designs their offers. Pretty sure you guys have heard of the terms, pay-to-play, pay-to-win, free-to-play etc. But have you heard of pay-to-...pay? This is not an official term mind you but it pretty much sums up some of the deals Kabam puts out frequently: to pay for this, you must first pay for that. It's an odd concept imo. I'm not sure if this practice is exclusive to Kabam or if many mobile games do this but the concept of paying to unlock the next deal which you have to pay for again is quite foreign to me.
As OP describes it (with a strong level of exaggeration I might add), 'the good deal is being held hostage by the bad deal'. While I don't agree with the 'good deal - bad deal' part, I agree with the general statement overall, to hide another offer behind the first offer is quite new to me.
I'm not asking or demanding that anything should change since it's evident that many are fine with this, just merely voicing my view on this.