Looking for team at plat 3/4 minimum and map 6 100%

I’m back sadly 😭. So basically to be clear I’m looking for a team that wants to push as much as possibly without spending. Idc what that entails but at least the ranks I said and the map I said please. I’d prefer to have a team that does map 6 quickly as I basically start and finish aq from time I wake to sleep most days. I work nights in America. Anyway so I don’t care how it’s done but I need to at least be plat 4 minimum and around I dunno rank 500-700 I believe in aq. Whatever the best rank you can get with map 6 100% and modifiers. My prestige rn is 15810 ngl I never rank for prestige but hopefully that’s enough. My ign is Derek2kyoutube and line is derek2k23 discord derek2k#5262 and sorry if I missed any of your messages the first go around.