
I played the event every day during the July update and a week before the event ended my game stopped me from logging in and even playing the event, I feel like I should be compensated for a bug out of my control, I was looking forward to using my 7 extra tokens to and get the 6 star generic awakening gem, a few t5cc and some six star six stone. I am a daily player of this game and this is totally unfair that I missed out because of a bug.

Compensation 14 votes

(Yes)Should we be compensated for the log out bug?
ImpalerManbatnJustWantTheRewards 3 votes
Diablo_HellFireSirmacoolmonomuggJollyHawkOpxRonSwansonCyrillFromTulaMrSakuragiGvnxwillrun4adonutWong_98 11 votes


  • JollyHawkJollyHawk Member Posts: 613 ★★★
    So you didn't actually try the fix that was in the thread you started?
  • Uneasyhen318412Uneasyhen318412 Member Posts: 3
    I didn’t see a fix for it until I had posted my comment and saw someone helped, that’s when I knew the fix was out and available. As a free to play player a 6 star awakening gem from that event or even sig stones would’ve been awesome, however do to this lack of login and support I was left unable to play for about a week and a half, which isn’t very fair to me considering it wasn’t my fault to begin with.
  • MrSakuragiMrSakuragi Member Posts: 6,060 ★★★★★
    That was a phone operating system error, nothing to do with the game.
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