Easy Quality Of Life Improvement

Howdy @Kabam Miike
Is there any way we can get the champion tags Alphabetized?

Would make life a little bit easier.
Is there any way we can get the champion tags Alphabetized?

Would make life a little bit easier.
/if default language set to English - sort alphabetical using English etc.
I'm not a programmer so I don't know how difficult it would be, but it seems like it wouldn't be too hard, whatever command displays the text in language selection should have a similar command for sorting text.
much easier that way.
3 ways - one is long way where kabam manually input and sort by whatever order thay want.
another way is very simple and it is they make the data base list and then select and sort it alphabetically. would be limited to whatever language they type it in.
but the easiest and best way is just add a line of code that would be where it displays the database whicxh would be something along the line of
sort order = alphabetical, asscending
but are still just nice handy little QOL features.
if one was to try and make a list of all the things kabam have done that don't matter it would be a large list