Should I start rolling only skill/mutant 6 stars?

IcepickisbackIcepickisback Member Posts: 33
I’m sitting on 82 6-star champs, just one seven, and on 8.2.6 and still 4 tier 3 catalysts from paragon.

Obviously, I’m lacking a lot of key synergy champs (still no 5 or 6 star heimdall, archangel, Galan, etc)

The thing is - I have at least 2-3 good champs in each class, but for mutants (which used to be considered the best class) I have a pathetic collection. I have apocalypse but no 5 or 6 star AA, Prof X or Stryfe to make taking him worthwhile.

What do you think?

Should I start rolling only skill/mutant 6 stars? 19 votes

Just buy skill/mutant 6-star champs for A while
LegionnaireN0madJJMAC 3 votes
Keep buying basic. Too many holes in roster
LeNoirFaineantcaptaincushRepto23AdvJustcause102ZuroReignkingTWSpideyFunkoBen_15455ahmynutsSaxodogDerpyEagleJohny_JoestarGalactikDonutJustWantTheRewards 15 votes
Start buying featured crystals. This current one has good options for this roster
Hoitado 1 vote


  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,964 ★★★★★
    Keep buying basic. Too many holes in roster
    i’ve taken apoc up myself without the three mutants you mentioned and he’s still phenomenal
  • DerpyEagleDerpyEagle Member Posts: 782 ★★★★
    Keep buying basic. Too many holes in roster
    Apoc will hold his own but cable wouldn’t hurt I love them together. However basic is the best bang for your buck in the game. Even if your missing only 1 champ in the game basic is still prollly you’re best bet. Think about this 4 duals or 5 basics? the more champs the better duals are never worth it until they make them 10k.
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,330 ★★★★★
    I am on 82 6-Stars and I kind of have stopped progressing. Still doing basics only.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    Keep buying basic. Too many holes in roster
    I'd probably keep opening basics. I have 200 6*s exactly. I open the featured crystal until I get what I want out of it and then go back to basics for more 7* shards. I've never opened a 6* dual crystal.
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