QOL idea based on my experience with 5.3.6

WhoDaPooWhoDaPoo Member Posts: 364 ★★★
First, this isn't going to be a complaint thread (from my end). I'm one of the summoners that will occasionally venture into 5.3.6 to stock up energy before the next month's TB EQ. I'm ok with the soon to be changes to drop rates and the removal of the drop rates. I always saw it as a luxury and I'm glad to have enjoyed it for the short period of time.

What I will miss is actually going through the fights with new science champs. What I've come to love about this quest is learning all the new killer science champs. The PI and health pools are great for learning a r1-r3 science champ without it feeling like too much of a grind. And while learning I could pick up a little energy refill with the learning experience. In the past month I've really gotten to know Quicksilver (he's grown on me and gone from r1 to r3), started to love Cassie, and am currently mastering a lucky 6* Silk I got from a cav crystal. I can honestly say it's because of this quest that I'm confident in using these new champs in battlegrounds, and have wins to thank for it.

My request is to take the good from this quest and expand for future energy farms (assuming we get some kind of energy apothecary). Keep the same (or similar) health pool size, and do 6 quests, one for each class. It'd be a great way to do a daily burn of energy (to pick up a refill) and learn a class of new champs.

Just some feedback to think about. Take it. Leave it. Either way, thanks Kabam for the training ground (and energy reward)!


  • Maat1985Maat1985 Member Posts: 2,412 ★★★★
    well you don't have to miss the fights at all.
    feel free to still jump in and test out those new science champs all you want!
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