Wrong aw boss node?

Hi so we had an issue with boss node in aw today. The boss node has steady build up unblockable. But this node was removed in season 40:
https://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/326719/alliance-war-season-40-changelog#latest. This is the season 40 changelog where opportunist is announced to replace steady build up unblockable.
Ever since season 40, we've been playing with opportunist. It's true that occasionally we'd see steady build up unblockable in off season (not sure why tbh) but when season started we'd get opportunist. Now that's why I am surprised that we're playing with the old node today. With no changes announced to that node. Is this a bug or are we supposed to play every war with this node? Because that affects defensive placement strategy.
https://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/326719/alliance-war-season-40-changelog#latest. This is the season 40 changelog where opportunist is announced to replace steady build up unblockable.
Ever since season 40, we've been playing with opportunist. It's true that occasionally we'd see steady build up unblockable in off season (not sure why tbh) but when season started we'd get opportunist. Now that's why I am surprised that we're playing with the old node today. With no changes announced to that node. Is this a bug or are we supposed to play every war with this node? Because that affects defensive placement strategy.