Revamp act 4 and 5, compensation or allow progression reset.

If kabam is not going to allow us to gain the rewards from the act 4 and 5 revamp we should he given the chance to reset our progression. I would happily redo this content for the current rewards. Even if it would require all progression to be reset and have to redo act 8. The fact we were given useless compensation for acts 1 2 and 3 (minus the units) and now barred from compensation is absurd. No one needed 1 2 and 3 compensation, yet we received it but not this time.
I saw a comment on the original thread stating it will take a significant amount of time to find the affected summoners who completed 4 and 5 in the last 90 days and who needs to get what in compensation. Wouldn't it even make more sense from a business stand point to use that amount of man power and time working on other issues in the game by simply compensating everyone?
The message being sent here is that we shouldn't bother completing story content fully at this point. Kabam is going to 100% update act 6 rewards now being as their *slightly* better than act 5 due to the update. Yet it's arguable that act 6 completion is 5-10 times harder. So by not compensating everyone their essential making it is so any content with underwhelming rewards will be revamped in the future and you'll be left out if you choose to do the content now as opposed to later. I wasted thousands of units to complete act 5 as I'm sure many many other people did (for even at the time) incredibly underwhelming rewards.
You are setting an awful precedent here kabam and I highly encourage anyone who has not completed act 6 to NOT do so anytime soon. You'll probably miss out on a 7* nexus selector with a 1-2 generic gem and a randomized 2-3 generic gem thats "to give less accomplished players their first r3 7*"🥴
I saw a comment on the original thread stating it will take a significant amount of time to find the affected summoners who completed 4 and 5 in the last 90 days and who needs to get what in compensation. Wouldn't it even make more sense from a business stand point to use that amount of man power and time working on other issues in the game by simply compensating everyone?
The message being sent here is that we shouldn't bother completing story content fully at this point. Kabam is going to 100% update act 6 rewards now being as their *slightly* better than act 5 due to the update. Yet it's arguable that act 6 completion is 5-10 times harder. So by not compensating everyone their essential making it is so any content with underwhelming rewards will be revamped in the future and you'll be left out if you choose to do the content now as opposed to later. I wasted thousands of units to complete act 5 as I'm sure many many other people did (for even at the time) incredibly underwhelming rewards.
You are setting an awful precedent here kabam and I highly encourage anyone who has not completed act 6 to NOT do so anytime soon. You'll probably miss out on a 7* nexus selector with a 1-2 generic gem and a randomized 2-3 generic gem thats "to give less accomplished players their first r3 7*"🥴
And no, it's not really an issue to me. I don't see why I should get compensation for reworks of content I completed literally years ago. If anything, I could see if they expanded the availability a bit, to maybe 6-12 months, rather than 3, or maybe everyone who is uncollected or under. But giving it to everyone is absurd, especially since I'm sure there are a huge number of players who completed that content when it came out, and already have more 6*s than they know what to do with.
There is no substitute for "getting good". While I appreciate players not wanting to stagnate for too long... racing new players just a little bit further, just to run head long into the Champion or Grandmaster fight isn't doing them many favors.
That's like making the first few years of school easier, and then when a studient doesn't know their multiplcation tables and is asked to do algebra... will struggle that much more.
Making it so players can just "autofight the collector", and not learn from things like bane, masochism, etc... is just going to have them hit a harder, and rather than wanting to "get good"... it will see so hard... they will quit.
removing paths from act 4 so you arne't doing "the same thing 10 times" was the right idea... but it should have ben replaced with "act 4.5" level content and level 5.5 content... which are the back issues. Funny how there are requests now for more of them... at a time when we need those for players to get better... but instead, they will either be thrown to the wolves in AW/battleground unprepared, or just "get stuck" a couple chapters further down because they have a better roster but he same skill.
Because I only completed the act 4 completion not 100% And back then the mastery’s were in the 100% but now there in the completion but it says I’ve already claimed them when I haven’t, and I’m not sure if I’ve done it 90 days ago or not but if I did it 91 days ago will they still compensate me for the mastery points atleast?