Is guillotine 2099 outdated in the current game?

Logan00Logan00 Member Posts: 694 ★★★
She went from one of the best tech to the forgotten realm. Where would you place her in the current game? For BG not very useful, for questing better champions, is she really outdated? I just pulled a 7* but really don't know where to use her


  • ArmageddønArmageddøn Member Posts: 946 ★★★★
    7* is good for Bg defense mainly and attack in some metas where crits hurt you
  • ahmynutsahmynuts Member Posts: 8,205 ★★★★★
    She's gotten me through some rough stuff on a new progressing account. On my main paragon account, i haven't used her in years outside of arena
  • DUHveedDUHveed Member Posts: 360 ★★★

    7* is good for Bg defense mainly and attack in some metas where crits hurt you

    Not sure if she’s “good” for defense but she’s for sure a time waster

  • HoitadoHoitado Member Posts: 3,707 ★★★★★
    DUHveed said:

    7* is good for Bg defense mainly and attack in some metas where crits hurt you

    Not sure if she’s “good” for defense but she’s for sure a time waster

    She’s decent. Many times I forget that she can easily punish a dash in when she gets up.
  • Deder80Deder80 Member Posts: 738 ★★★
    I have my 6* at r2. That’s where she’ll stay til they give her a rework. I do feel like she her mechanics are updated to the current games state. If they made hot a little hard she be fun to play.
  • GreekhitGreekhit Member Posts: 2,820 ★★★★★
    She is still quite an annoying defender without Mags or a miss counter, and a very descent AW attacker.
    After first fight things go down very fast, and she deals with many defenders.
    Her damage is so big with 3 souls, that an r3 G99 can easily outdamage an r4 or even an r5 Hulkling boss regen.
    She ain't a top tech champ anymore, but she still descent and has her uses 🙂
  • Icy000Icy000 Member Posts: 274 ★★
    she's useful for aq and decent on defense, still a good i would say
  • SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Member Posts: 6,266 ★★★★★

    Me clearing out whole set of tactic war defenders without using 0 healing potion.

    Path5 mighty charge ebb kitty
    Conflictor mini attuma
    Aspect of evo moomoo. I ate sp2 and survived.

    Had a spider Gwen in Sec1... that was a long 3.5 minute fight to ramp g99 without taking out protection.

    G99 bad champ.... Sell her instantly. Useless.
  • SquirrelguySquirrelguy Member Posts: 2,654 ★★★★★
    I don’t know if she was unarguably ever “one of the best tech” champs. Her drawbacks have stayed the same, but so has her crazy damage if you can win fights with sp3 and keep a combo. She also still has a lot of utility.

    There are always people that don’t care about champs like her and Aegon, but they most certainly can shine if you use them properly.
  • Brad366Brad366 Member Posts: 156
    She was my first or second 6*R3 and I still use her in every AQ because of her initial heal. If I get clipped, I can use a small team heal (350 health) and she gets back up to 40%. Saves a lot on health potions. She is also nice if there is a mister sinister or kitty pride in the path since she doesn't crit. So she still has good utility.
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