Legend tokens

I completed my incursions threat level 6 run, and claimed my rewards. I got everything except for my final legend token. I had already grinded the arena and completed the brutal challenge. Without the final token I am unable to trade them in for my 7 star.


  • MrSakuragiMrSakuragi Member Posts: 6,060 ★★★★★
    Dcotten said:

    I completed my incursions threat level 6 run, and claimed my rewards. I got everything except for my final legend token. I had already grinded the arena and completed the brutal challenge. Without the final token I am unable to trade them in for my 7 star.

    The incursions token is not one used for the 7*. That token is traded for the legends title. Your third token will come from the last day of the calendar.
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