AW update constructive feedback

Tinnr95Tinnr95 Member Posts: 70
edited August 2023 in General Discussion
I hope this finds the right people in Kabam.

Hearing the news about AW defender placements in one of the livestreams; it was exciting and amazing news for us officers/leaders who take war seriously. When hearing it was happening last update I was excited because I can stop using my excel spreadsheet/AW defence tool because within your livestream it was previously mentioned we’ll be able to place defenders from players accounts and do it within app instead of using external apps to be able to create a well diverse defence.

- The update happened… AW went down (absolutely fine. We gained compensation - not fussed about that) however, we didn’t get a lot of comms or tutorial on how the new system works apart from pictures and a quick brief through the forums. - I believe this could of been better if someone can showcase this on a YouTube video and gave us the information we needed.

- After playing preseason and the 1st 2 wars I’m getting the hang off the new update and how it works… however, I run 2 BGs in war and we swap players in and out every war but this has to be the worst thing about it as I have to ask everyone to take out their defenders over and over again which can be extremely stressful when I don’t have the power to remove players from war. I’m 5 hours away from the next war with 5 still sitting in AW defence which is making me panic as I need to sort out the new bunch of defenders and diversity in a short amount of time. Hoping my alliance can respond by removing and adding new champs in before the next war but I can’t be angry at them as this should be a feature. This is a great update if you are running a full 3 BG war but us low level alliances who can’t commit to 3 is not a great addition. Further more, I’m inclined to run 1BG and have consistent players leaving some players out from claiming their 5. I should be able to remove players from BGs instead of chasing them down to do it.

- Where is the comms to say we can allocate defenders from the players accounts? Is that in the near future or is that not going to happen?

- Lastly, I appreciate all the work that has gone into the new update but until minor fixes can be done. Speaking from the community we all think the old way is better. This is not to say change is bad but ideally this update don’t fit for all alliances just the ones that run 3 BGs.

Please take this as feedback and I hope someone can make the right decision for community.

Thanks for reading.
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