The Adam Warlock hype

I was waiting to open featureds desperately, just to be able to test him. He’s a great champ, BUT
There are a lot of problems with the way he works. He’s quite rewarding if you manage to keep the counter up, but that’s not the problem. The biggest problem is the TAUNT. That taunt is so so weak and unreliable, on top of the fact that it’s a debuff. It’s very easy to get caught dashing in and getting hit by a special in your face, because you need to stay aggressive. The AI will sometimes pretent like it’s going passive and roght as you dash in it will special intercept. Kt1 was theorizing a potential improvement for this, making the taunt passive and stackable, but also short duration. That would offer more safety for sure.
Another thing I wanted to mention is the lack of safety nets. This is fine, you’ll definetly die if you get caught but it’s ok, since he’s meant to be risky, atleast the numbers are good.

R3 no suicides
The sp1 stun, while a nice addition, I think it’s way too short for competitive content, where there’s limber. It would be nice if its duration could not be changed, neither up nor down, that way it’ll be way more consistent.
His utility is basically being an autoblock counter and a true damage dealer. Apart from that he doesn’t have too much, except for the 60 second insinerate shock coldsnap immunity, which can come in handy.
Overall I’d say be careful if you rank this champion up, since he is really not easy to maneauver snd very stressful, if you have to deal with a node it’ll be very hard to maintain the counter… the more stressful the matchup the lesser his damage is aswell, since you’ll want to go for an sp1 to keep up the buffs instead of the ideal sp3 that gives you the most damage.
I would highly highly appreciate some quality of life improvements for him, otherwhise he’ll disappear from the interest of people so fast as soon as Gladiator comes out…
Any thoughts? Do you think he’ll stay relevant the way he is now?
There are a lot of problems with the way he works. He’s quite rewarding if you manage to keep the counter up, but that’s not the problem. The biggest problem is the TAUNT. That taunt is so so weak and unreliable, on top of the fact that it’s a debuff. It’s very easy to get caught dashing in and getting hit by a special in your face, because you need to stay aggressive. The AI will sometimes pretent like it’s going passive and roght as you dash in it will special intercept. Kt1 was theorizing a potential improvement for this, making the taunt passive and stackable, but also short duration. That would offer more safety for sure.
Another thing I wanted to mention is the lack of safety nets. This is fine, you’ll definetly die if you get caught but it’s ok, since he’s meant to be risky, atleast the numbers are good.

R3 no suicides
The sp1 stun, while a nice addition, I think it’s way too short for competitive content, where there’s limber. It would be nice if its duration could not be changed, neither up nor down, that way it’ll be way more consistent.
His utility is basically being an autoblock counter and a true damage dealer. Apart from that he doesn’t have too much, except for the 60 second insinerate shock coldsnap immunity, which can come in handy.
Overall I’d say be careful if you rank this champion up, since he is really not easy to maneauver snd very stressful, if you have to deal with a node it’ll be very hard to maintain the counter… the more stressful the matchup the lesser his damage is aswell, since you’ll want to go for an sp1 to keep up the buffs instead of the ideal sp3 that gives you the most damage.
I would highly highly appreciate some quality of life improvements for him, otherwhise he’ll disappear from the interest of people so fast as soon as Gladiator comes out…
Any thoughts? Do you think he’ll stay relevant the way he is now?
Otherwhise he’ll be as relevant as Ihulk, a champ I love and have at r4, but find too risky to ever use…
I also think the taunt should be stackable/passive - or passive and stronger.
Otherwise, I kind of love Adam Warlock.
I don’t know if infuriate would be good, but a stronger taunt would definetly benefit him.
When playing Fantman they throw specials into your block, that’s the energy I want from Adam’s taunt.
Bummer honestly cause Adam could potentially be my new favorite champ in the game if he wasn't this risky and stressful to play and I'm sure other people feel the same way. When the AI cooperates and plays aggressive (as it should be cause that's the only way you make his playstyle work since he can't parry and if he doesn't stay aggressive he loses his ramp up) it's extremely satisfying and really fun but when it doesn't you just want to pull your hair out lol.
I had such bad games with him in incursions today… I fought Cap IW and he did an sp2 right after a 5 hit combo and it clipped me as I dodged back after he refused to use it the previous combo and then there’s also the Mr fantastic matchup where his lack of an evade counter is very apparent… for such a stressful champ that needs to be aggressive atleast a synergy against miss or evade would be useful…
•Passive taunt
•Opponent not gaining power when hitting his pod and him being stun immune