Major Issue-Monthly War Reward Points messed up?

UgnautUgnaut Member Posts: 46
Anyone else seeing this? 3 wars in I have 800pts. Usually I have thousands. I mean it doesn’t seem that you are getting any points for you persistent placement defenders at all. That alone is like thousands much less points for energy use or attacker wins. It’s 600pt for defender placement, 300 for attacker win and 100 per energy used. So 3 wars alone I should have 9,000 points, not to mention the energy pts and attacker wins.

Anyone have any insight on what is going on


  • MrSakuragiMrSakuragi Member Posts: 6,090 ★★★★★
    The solo event didn’t appear until halfway through the most recent war, so you would have few points right now. We’ll know in a few hours how well it works with the persistent placement for awarding points.
  • UgnautUgnaut Member Posts: 46
    Thanks I didn’t notice that and probably should have. It usually starts with the beginning of the season and I missed it.
  • BluChBluCh Member Posts: 84
    i did replace defenders after the event started and it did not record that for points
  • UgnautUgnaut Member Posts: 46
    Yeah me too! With all the bugs they are having it’s hard to be sure of anything. All I know is that every since they cut staff in June the # of bugs have shot thru the roof.
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