Adam Warlock Not Working Correctly

In Adam's abilities, his sovereignty counter begins by "landing adam's light attack 2 or special attack 1 or 2 starts the sovereignty counter for 2 seconds". It does not specify whether it is into their block or not. However, in practice, it only seems to start when using his second light attack into his opponent's block. In the abilities, it says that it's supposed to accelerate his sovereignty counter when initiating into the block, but it doesn't say that it's the only way for it to start. This makes him difficult to start up if the opponent isn't blocking and you're better off attacking them directly.
Please change his abilities to function as written in the upcoming tune up. Please don't pull a future ant man rebalance and just change his ability text to how match he functions. While he is a powerful champion, having versatility in how he starts his sovereignty counter is very important, and due to the +10 to the counter when starting it into a block, skilled players will be rewarded regardless. Thank you
Please change his abilities to function as written in the upcoming tune up. Please don't pull a future ant man rebalance and just change his ability text to how match he functions. While he is a powerful champion, having versatility in how he starts his sovereignty counter is very important, and due to the +10 to the counter when starting it into a block, skilled players will be rewarded regardless. Thank you