Node root different than attacker root

While playing incursions I was caught by surprise when a root node kept the special lock on Hyperion when he got to 3 bars. The recent root change was supposed to allow rooted defenders to throw their SP3. When I did a practice fight with Kraven to test it, the defender was able to throw a SP3 to get out of the root.
In my incursions fight, Hyperion’s power gain got him to 3 full bars but the root kept the special lock on and he wasn’t able to throw his SP3 until the root expired and came off.
There’s nothing in the node description to indicate this node based root is any different than Kraven’s root but it seems to be working slightly different.

In my incursions fight, Hyperion’s power gain got him to 3 full bars but the root kept the special lock on and he wasn’t able to throw his SP3 until the root expired and came off.
There’s nothing in the node description to indicate this node based root is any different than Kraven’s root but it seems to be working slightly different.

Champs can't break the game, they're player controlled. Nodes can break the game, they're not player controlled.