Game gets reconnected for win but is normal after losing

Cherry12Cherry12 Member Posts: 9
edited August 2023 in Bugs and Known Issues
I have been playing event question on auto play and whenever my champ defeats the opponent and win the fight the game gets network issue and keeps on reconnecting. This happened to me for a complete path of fights.
But whenever I lose a fight, the game is normal and I get back to the home. Can you please look into this problem @Kabam Miike


  • Vegeta9001Vegeta9001 Member Posts: 1,711 ★★★★★
    This happened to me after incursions zone 18, I win the fight it d/cd me and now I'm not in an incursions 😂 what a mess, luckily o was only doing it for milestones but if this happens to someone doing a run for the rewards, yikes.
  • DerxDerx Member Posts: 1
    Happening to me to and also when I open the game my acc changed to other acc I have even tho I haven't log in yet. Like I was using my main then when I open the game again it will be my alt acc but I have change acc
  • Cherry12Cherry12 Member Posts: 9
    Never mind mine, issue got resolved after finishing the quest that run.
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