Thoughts about the current BG matchmaking

Blax999Blax999 Member Posts: 82
Hey guys, just wanted to share what I experienced.

I was stuck in Plat 2 for more than 10 matchs, facing Paragons of approximately my level (14k prestige), and then the 3 last matchups brought me cav players of 7-10k prestige. I saw a comment saying that the "global" matchmaking that mixed all players was at Diamond 3, but apparently not. And maybe, if you're stuck a long time, you can start facing lower accounts. I don't really know...


  • JarvisreiJarvisrei Member Posts: 424 ★★
    I've been playing like 20 matches in diamond 4 and lost like atleast 15 as I was just overpowered by my enemies, so no the difficulty doesn't really go down.
  • A_FungiA_Fungi Member Posts: 1,021 ★★★★
    Pretty sure P2 is where you start facing the little guys
  • GreekhitGreekhit Member Posts: 2,820 ★★★★★
    Jarvisrei said:

    I've been playing like 20 matches in diamond 4 and lost like atleast 15 as I was just overpowered by my enemies, so no the difficulty doesn't really go down.

    That’s relative.
    If you are a low account you will see difficulty go up, if you are a strong account you will see difficulty go down.
    It all depends from which point of view you are seeing it.
    It needs for some to get harder for others to get easier, that’s inevitable.
  • WinterFieldsWinterFields Member Posts: 785 ★★★★
    This season I haven't seen a difficulty change from Gold I onward. I'm currently in Vibranium III, but in each tier from Gold I to here, I face 70-80% paragon accounts that roughly have a 15-20% average account rating higher than mine
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,396 ★★★★★
    Season after season, I see comments about getting to face significantly smaller accounts.

    I’ve seen two matches, both last season, that I would consider completely out of my range, both against players with 4* and just a few 5*, none ranked beyond R3.

    That’s it. Twice in, what, ten seasons? It was silly, and I honestly felt like it was wrong, but of course I took the win because that’s what you do in Platinum (or any other tier). I can’t think it was any more enjoyable for him than it was for me.

    Broader (somewhat rhetorical) query, though, is how an account like that gets to Platinum? Is this what the team intended when they designed BGs?

    Dr. Zola
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