Does anyone else think Electro is unfun?

What I mean is it’s kinda ridiculous that I don’t get hit at all during a fight and still lose 70% of my champions health through static damage
I always feel like Electro is punishing me for playing the game.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s not a hard fight at all. Electro is actually one of the easiest characters to defeat, but it always feel so bad to lose that much health for basically no reason.
I know that only attacks that make direct contact with him do this, but then again, the vast majority of attacks fall in this criteria.
And what makes it worse is that the damage you take is based on the damage you hit him with, so bursting him down or grinding him out will result in the same thing
I can’t be the only one who thinks this?
I always feel like Electro is punishing me for playing the game.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s not a hard fight at all. Electro is actually one of the easiest characters to defeat, but it always feel so bad to lose that much health for basically no reason.
I know that only attacks that make direct contact with him do this, but then again, the vast majority of attacks fall in this criteria.
And what makes it worse is that the damage you take is based on the damage you hit him with, so bursting him down or grinding him out will result in the same thing
I can’t be the only one who thinks this?
Most champions have a payoff for good gameplay. Not Electro: his champion design actively punishes you for being a good player. Electro's static shock does nothing for an advanced player who is good at not getting hit. If you block or parry your opponents attacks, they take... almost zero shock damage. Electro's Signature (which is pure Offense, boosting his Critical Rating) is based on the Power he and his opponent have: so, if you play well and bait out your opponent's Special attacks, you lose half your bonus Critical rating.
I think you could argue there are very few champions who need a rework more than Electro (the classic Captains America& Marvel spring to mind...).
I know some champs were designed to be defenders, but actually Electro isn't one of them.
Look at his crit rating, his health, his Sig ability: he's designed to be used on Attack. He just doesn't actually work for it, any more. When he was introduced, he was a glass cannon who was decent on defense. Now he's a low-damage nothing on Attack, and a Speedbump on defense.
Playing against Electro isn't particularly fun, but there are plenty of ways to deal with it. Playing with Electro is even less fun.
Hopefully Kabam might get around to fixing that, one day.
Falcon, Kingpin, Crossbones, Black Cat, AA, Kingpin, Namor.. Just a bunch of garbage champs...
Sure, it's static shock. My point isn't the type of damage; it's that your opponent only suffers the damage if you let them hit you. If you dodge or parry the attack, they take less damage than if they'd hit you.
Which seems really backwards: his abilities are less useful, the better you play with him.
Something like this would actually reward you for using him effectively on attack:
- When struck by a contact attack, Electro inflicts a burst of Shock damage equal to 25% of the damage that was inflicted
- When he successfully blocks a contact attack, Electro inflicts a burst of Shock damage equal to 35% of the damage that was prevented by blocking
- This rises to 55% of the damage prevented on a well-timed block.
Here's the full rework idea with more details: least i can say now that i probably shouldve put him instead of rhino
(I'd still buff captain america adove all of them)