Buff Immune Champs Not Countering Certain Mystics

EliOrSomethingEliOrSomething Member Posts: 115 ★★
I suppose this might not necessarily be a problem and could be “working as intended” but I’ve had this problem myself and seen a lot of people run into the same issue. With champs such as Rintrah or Longshot. That either rewards the mystic champ for a buff failing, or punishes the buff immune champ for a buff not applying, i.e. dexterity.

Say your spider-man 2099 dodges a rintrah special 2 while he has a neutralize applied to him. The Rintrah will then (as long as it’s awakened) get a power gain buff because according to the game, your buff failed to trigger! As far as coding goes maybe this makes sense why this WOULD happen, but I personally see no reason as to why this SHOULD be happening. Can we get some kind of update on whether this is working as it should be? Or will these buff immune champs be the counters that they should be to these champions in the future?


  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    Buff immune champions are not immune to buffs attempting to trigger, they are immune to the buffs.

    If the game doesn’t get told that a buff has attempted to trigger, you wouldn’t be able to pause Spidey’s debuffs, or gain pym particles with Cassie. And if a buff has to attempt to trigger, then that buff can fail to attempt to trigger in the first place. Via neutralise for example.

    To put it a different way. Let’s imagine you are using Nick fury against colossus, and you have a 100% concussion on you from a node. If you hit colossus with a medium attack, will there be an “immune” call out?

    There won’t be, because the ability accuracy of the bleed debuff was reduced to 0, so it never tried to trigger on colossus. So it doesn’t matter if he’s immune to it or not, because it never tried to trigger.

    In the buff case, if Spidey dexes while he’s neutralised, the buff has its ability accuracy reduced to 0, so it never even tries to trigger. So it doesn’t matter if he’s immune or not.
  • horrendous_toohorrendous_too Member Posts: 249 ★★★
    Yeah. I don't agree with them, but word from on high is that this is "working as intended"

    also congrats on being one of today's lucky 10,000
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