Design boss challenge?

Thi101Thi101 Member Posts: 807 ★★★
I wanna propose a challenge for my fellow forum friends: design a boss fight (following a set of rules).
Pretty simple, choose a champion and a combination of nodes you think would be FUN. (Easy fights can be fun, hard fights can also be fun, but try to maximize FUN aspect)

The rules are simple:

1 - You can choose any champion in the game
Any playable character is up for grabs. If you can collect them, you can use them for the challenge. This excludes story bosses exclusives like The Collector and Maestro, but Kang and Thanos are allowed, if you wish.

2 - You can use up to 5 different nodes
The game has a massive amount of nodes to choose and pick from, and any combination of up to 5 of them are allowed. You can use less if you want to, but 5 is the maximum allowed for the challenge. You can check the node list here:

3 - You can create 1 node
If you really want an effect or interaction the game doesn’t yet have, you are allowed to create your own node as one of the 5 you can use.

4 - Detail your choices
Please, also give some explanation as to why you chose what you chose. Why is the champion the one you chose? What are you trying to accomplish in the fight by adding that one node? Try to give us the general idea behind the fight and why you think it’s gonna be a fun one if it ever sees the light of day.

Comment here the fights you envisioned!
I’ll be making mine and commenting it here shortly!
This is all! Hope you guys find it fun and entertaining


  • Thi101Thi101 Member Posts: 807 ★★★
    My fight:

    Champion: Vision
    I mainly chose Vision for 2 reasons: the first one is that he’s a simple champion to fight, which makes it way less stressful than it could be and secondly because, even being a simple one, Vision’s specials still do what I want them to: reduce the Attacker’s total power.

    Node 1: Life Transfer
    The Opponent takes Direct Damage over time, losing 4% of their Max Health per second, but Lifestealing 100% of their Damage done. The Lifesteal percentage is affected by Class Relationships.
    This has got to be one of my favorite nodes in the game. It’s easy, for sure, but I love it anyways. Even so, the real reason I chose it it’s because I think it will go very well with another node choice of mine.

    Node 2: Power Shield
    The Attacker's basic attacks deal no damage, but still generate power, and their Special Attacks deal 300% more damage.
    This is another simple node by itself, but I do believe it creates a very intricate interaction when placed alongside Life Transfer. The fact your health is being constantly drained away gives you the sense of urgency to reach a special attack and heal back.

    Node 3: Unblockable
    The Defender’s Special Attacks are passively Unblockable. This ability is not affected by Ability Accuracy.
    Another simple one, just to make the fights against the simple Vision a bit more dynamic. Visions special attacks naturally deal 0 damage if you block it, so I’m just making sure this wouldn’t be the case.

    Node 4: Stand Your Ground (Original Node)
    Whenever the Defender fills a bar of power, they become passively Unstoppable for 2 seconds. This ability is not affected by Ability Accuracy
    The last node I’m adding to the fight is a custom one. This interacts in an interesting way with the nodes and Vision. Vision’s awakened ability, Synthesis, will generate some amount of power after certain time has passed, probably making him Unstoppable with this node.
    The Unstoppable also feeds in the gameplan of Urgency with the Life Transfer, as those are precious seconds you’ll be losing health.

    I wanted this fight to play out almost like a little puzzle, figuring out when it’s best to strike.
    Is it best to wait for Synthesis to kick in and bait the special before attacking, or are you risking it all?
  • SkyLord7000SkyLord7000 Member Posts: 4,027 ★★★★★
    ^To attempt your fight I use play aggressively with CapIW I think he can remove unstoppable effect and with SamCap synergy (if allowed) it could be pushed through.
  • Thi101Thi101 Member Posts: 807 ★★★

    ^To attempt your fight I use play aggressively with CapIW I think he can remove unstoppable effect and with SamCap synergy (if allowed) it could be pushed through.

    Yes, Idk how cap interacts with passive unstoppables but any character that inflicts Slow should have a good time
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