Making champs too dependant on awakening

KerneasKerneas Member Posts: 3,882 ★★★★★
There are a few champs in the game who rely on their awakened ability too much and I think it's pretty stupid.

Prime example of such champion is Spider-man (classic). Now, I know his buffvwas controversial, but let's not discuss that for a while. When he is dupped, he can get 2x 50% decelerate debuffs (flat), which should provide effective counter to evade and unstop. That is pretty useful imo.

However without the dupp, the champ is pretty much worthless. 50% reduction to unstop+evade is way too unreliable to be used anywhere. Without his awakening, this champ is simply trash, and he isn't the only one.

And this wouldn't be much ofa problem, if this champ wasn't available as a 7*. Just imagine pulling a Spidey as your first 7* and knowing, that theoretically you can expect him his dupe roughly in the first 70-ish 7* crystals. And that's a lot.

To be clear: I don't have Spidey as my only 7*. I have 5 of these now, and I have been blesses with a Sunspot dupe, but Spidey is one of my 7*s and it feels really annoying to have to wait until dupe to even be able to play the champ propperly. Making champs useless without awakening is a thing I have hated for years. One thing is champs like Ægon or Night Thrasher, who heavily benefit from their sig ability, but they still can theoretically be used in some content. But there are literally 0 situations when anyone would rely on an undupped Spider-man (classic). And that is just a stupid design imho.

Finally, let me ask you: what do you think should be the idea behind sig abilities? Should it be a welcome bonus, additional value, or an essential part of the champ's kit?


  • PantherusNZPantherusNZ Member Posts: 2,344 ★★★★★
    There are champions who are fantastic straight out of the box, there are champs for whom becoming woke improves them significantly (to the point the being non-woke makes them comparatively "worthless"), and then there are champions who not only need to be woke but also high/mix sig.

    Yes, it can be frustrating to pull a champion who can't do a lot yet, but in the meantime you have a bunch of other champions who are fantstic just the way they are.

    So while you wait for that critical dupe(s), play with the champs who don't need it.
  • ZsirhcZZsirhcZ Member Posts: 281 ★★
    My recently Duped 7 star IM IW would like a word. Could have gotten any other 7 star, but no. I dupe the only one I’ve got.

    Same experience several years ago with my 1st and 2nd 6 star crystals. Both were Silver Surfer. And back then it was 4-5 months between 6 stars and there were about 70 in the pool.

    But, I understand your point.
  • FrostGiantLordFrostGiantLord Member Posts: 2,200 ★★★★
    Kerneas said:

    There are a few champs in the game who rely on their awakened ability too much and I think it's pretty stupid.

    Prime example of such champion is Spider-man (classic). Now, I know his buffvwas controversial, but let's not discuss that for a while. When he is dupped, he can get 2x 50% decelerate debuffs (flat), which should provide effective counter to evade and unstop. That is pretty useful imo.

    However without the dupp, the champ is pretty much worthless. 50% reduction to unstop+evade is way too unreliable to be used anywhere. Without his awakening, this champ is simply trash, and he isn't the only one.

    And this wouldn't be much ofa problem, if this champ wasn't available as a 7*. Just imagine pulling a Spidey as your first 7* and knowing, that theoretically you can expect him his dupe roughly in the first 70-ish 7* crystals. And that's a lot.

    To be clear: I don't have Spidey as my only 7*. I have 5 of these now, and I have been blesses with a Sunspot dupe, but Spidey is one of my 7*s and it feels really annoying to have to wait until dupe to even be able to play the champ propperly. Making champs useless without awakening is a thing I have hated for years. One thing is champs like Ægon or Night Thrasher, who heavily benefit from their sig ability, but they still can theoretically be used in some content. But there are literally 0 situations when anyone would rely on an undupped Spider-man (classic). And that is just a stupid design imho.

    Finally, let me ask you: what do you think should be the idea behind sig abilities? Should it be a welcome bonus, additional value, or an essential part of the champ's kit?

    The problem isn't the champ being too dependent on awakening, it's how skilled you are at playing with the unawakneed champ.
  • OurobørosOurobøros Member Posts: 2,101 ★★★★★

    Kerneas said:

    There are a few champs in the game who rely on their awakened ability too much and I think it's pretty stupid.

    Prime example of such champion is Spider-man (classic). Now, I know his buffvwas controversial, but let's not discuss that for a while. When he is dupped, he can get 2x 50% decelerate debuffs (flat), which should provide effective counter to evade and unstop. That is pretty useful imo.

    However without the dupp, the champ is pretty much worthless. 50% reduction to unstop+evade is way too unreliable to be used anywhere. Without his awakening, this champ is simply trash, and he isn't the only one.

    And this wouldn't be much ofa problem, if this champ wasn't available as a 7*. Just imagine pulling a Spidey as your first 7* and knowing, that theoretically you can expect him his dupe roughly in the first 70-ish 7* crystals. And that's a lot.

    To be clear: I don't have Spidey as my only 7*. I have 5 of these now, and I have been blesses with a Sunspot dupe, but Spidey is one of my 7*s and it feels really annoying to have to wait until dupe to even be able to play the champ propperly. Making champs useless without awakening is a thing I have hated for years. One thing is champs like Ægon or Night Thrasher, who heavily benefit from their sig ability, but they still can theoretically be used in some content. But there are literally 0 situations when anyone would rely on an undupped Spider-man (classic). And that is just a stupid design imho.

    Finally, let me ask you: what do you think should be the idea behind sig abilities? Should it be a welcome bonus, additional value, or an essential part of the champ's kit?

    The problem isn't the champ being too dependent on awakening, it's how skilled you are at playing with the unawakneed champ.
    AA won’t do what he does best if not awaken, neither will Cap Beard, neither Cap Marvel or Corvus and so goes the list. Skill has nothing to do with it
  • ZsirhcZ said:

    My recently Duped 7-star IM IW would like a word. Could have gotten any other 7 star, but no. I dupe the only one I’ve got.

    Same experience several years ago with my 1st and 2nd 6 star crystals. Both were Silver Surfer. And back then it was 4-5 months between 6 stars and there were about 70 in the pool.

    But, I understand your point.

    I also duped my one and only 7 star Mysterio lol
  • laserjohn26laserjohn26 Member Posts: 1,580 ★★★★★
    All dupes are different. Some benefit offensively, some defensively. Some are fine at sig 1 ( corvus) while some need sig 200. Some need a certain level in the middle and don't really benefit after (angela). Some are absolutely worthless (ht). A few actually get worse (night crawler). Some in situations become unusuable( unduped she hulk against summer of pain emma was arguably best option while duped she hulk was unusable).

    Point being kabaam tries their best but just like when a champ turns out too good or terrible, so do awakened abilities.
  • LemonloafLemonloaf Member Posts: 117
    I think you've got a point but you used terrible examples. You should've used omega red or even the new champ vox who looks amazing with dupe but near useless without. I agree that champion awakening ability should just enhance the things they already do, some great examples of these champs are: sunspot, red mags, kingpin and many more so basically kabam please stop making champs that absolutely depend on dupe.
  • phillgreenphillgreen Member Posts: 4,344 ★★★★★
    A few years ago we probably said the same thing about 6*.

    I understand the frustration but no one should be setting aside their 6* roster until you have a good amount of 7*, most of us are noobs in the 7* world and sigs etc really don't matter at this point.
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