Need advice on rank ups
I can’t figure out how to properly do polls cause this website is weird as so I’ll ask here instead. Currently stuck on whether to take my 5* Aegon and Omega Sentinel to rank 5 or take my 6* Omega Red to rank 2. I currently don’t have enough T5 basic to do all 3 options but too much t2 alpha I need to get rid of. My Omega Red is currently unawakened and so is my Omega Sentinel but my Aegon is awakened. Any thoughts?
Omega Sentinel gives you a good attacker and defender as well as a mutant counter. She is however, not an easy champ to play because you got to balance her debuff timers to get good damage. Look up a guide/video to play her properly and see if you are comfortable playing her. Either ways, as you need to use rank up mats, use it on her.