Half of The Avengers will be officially reworked soon
So with Iron man getting a complete rework including his new apperance, It will officially mean half of The Avengers got reworks so far!
Only Half Remains to go, it's really intresting how it could go with those remaining three's reworks!
Only Half Remains to go, it's really intresting how it could go with those remaining three's reworks!
"Stacked" even though he only needed three to be the hardest hitter in the game at the time.
If they wanted to rework Thor they could give him burst damage like herc except energy not physical and not to the same level as Herc(we don't need another Herc) and give him some solid shock damage.
That and up his shock resistance from 40 to 75 or even 100 and increase his energy burst or base attack per shocks on him.